Basic Neurosurgery Course (IBNC) aims to provide basic neurosurgical knowledge to residents in training and young neurosurgeons from all around the world by helping the neurosurgeons of the future, come together and get the opportunity to learn basic contemporary neurosurgical knowledge from experienced neurosurgeons, create network and strong friendship.  
The courses cover the topics of Vascular Neurosurgery, Neuro-oncology & Pediatrics, Neurotrauma & Functional, and Spine & Peripheral Nerves on a rotational basis, thereby completing one educationary cycle in 4 years. The 9th of IBNC, IBNC2020 will be the first course of term III and the topics are Neurotrauma-Functional. IBNC2020 will be held between 12 and 15 November 2020 in Antalya, Turkey.
Modern educational methods including lectures, interactive discussions, panels, workshops, case discussions, video sessions with board type questions will be included. The lectures will be given and the discussions will be moderated by experienced neurosurgeons.
IBNC is organized and sponsored by Turkish Neurosurgical Society (TNS). Turkish Neurosurgical Society offers nearly 150 scholarships to young neurosurgeons from all countries around the world. The scholarship includes registration, accomodation and social events.
WFNS has been scientifically supporting this organization for five years by organizing pre-meeting courses and providing distinguished lecturers. 
Dr. Andras Buki (Hungary) and Dr. Yasin Temel (Nederland) are the honorary lecturers of IBNC 2020. Dr. Franco Servadei (WFNS- Past President, Italy), Dr. Lukas Rasuliç (Serbia), Dr. Ignatius Esene (Cameroon), Dr. Nikolaos Foroglou (Greece), Dr. Andreas Demetriades (Scotland), Dr. Angelos Kolias (UK) are the international lecturers of IBNC2020. 
Some of the lecturers who attended and supported this unique organization in the past are M. Gazi Yaşargil, Robert Dempsey, Madjid Samii, Hidenori Kobayashi, Nathan Selden, Mustafa Başkaya, Franco Servedai, Johannes Schramm, Isabella Germano, Kim Burchiel and Giuseppe Lanzino.
The scientific programme was established according to the contemporary neurosurgical knowledge and the needs of the young colleagues. The organization commitee, scientific advisory board and the lecturers work hard for an excellent meeting. 
During the course, the students will also find the opportunity to enjoy the heaven like atmosphere of Antalya which if full of beatiful nature and cultural heritage

Come and be a part of this Unique Neurosurgical Educational Activity

Hakan Emmez, M.D. Prof.
President of IBNC