6th ORPHEUS Conference on PhD Quality Indicators for Biomedicine and Health Sciences 28-30 April 2011, Izmir, Turkey
23. Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi Özel Sayısı
[23rd National Biochemistry Congress Special Issue]
Trans-9 18:1 oktadekanoik asit izomerinin sICAM-1, svıcam-1 ve IGF-1 düzeylerine etkileri
Cloning, expression and characterization of xylose isomerase from thermophilic Geobacillus caldoxylosilyticus TK4 strain
Dönüştürücü Büyüme Faktörü Beta (TGF- ß)’nın Tükürük Bezi Oksidan Olaylarına Zaman Bağımlı Etkisi
Protein-Polielektrolit Kompleks ve Konjugatlarının Yüksek Performanslı Sıvı Kromatografi Yöntemi ile İncelenmesi
Effect of alkaline pH on bioactive molecules of epidermal mucus from Labeo rohita (Rahu)
Serum Adiponectin and Vaspin Levels in Systemic Sclerosis
The Effects of Aminoguanidine on the Antioxidant Mechanisms and Nitrate Levels in Incisional Oral Mucosal Wound Healing Process
Eskişehir Bölgesinde Üçlü Test Tarama Parametrelerinin Medyan Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi
The Role of Mannose-Binding Lectin-2 Gene Polymorphisms in Patients with Colorectal Cancer
Yeşilyuva Beldesi’ndeki Ayakkabı İmalatında Çalışanlarda Solvent Maruziyetinin Hepatotoksik Etkisi
Parental Attitude in Women with Hyperprolactinemia: a Controlled Cross-Sectional Study
25-OH-Vitamin D Hormon için Tandem Kütle Spektrometrede Yöntem Geçerli Kılma Çalışması ve Bu Yöntemin Farklı YöntemlerleKarşılaştırılması
Autoimmunity to Sa Peptide in Aggressive and Destructive Rheumatoid Arthritis
Optimization of cold-adapted amylases and protease production by psychrotrophic Streptomyces 4 Alga using response surface methodology
Caulerpa scalpelliformis as an antibiotic carrier
Comparison of L-FABP, ALT and AST Levels in Chronic Hepatitis C
Gene cloning and characterization of TK1392, an NADH oxidase from Thermococcus kodakaraensis with a distinct C-terminal domain
Amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) serum levels in females with different thyroid function states
Molecular evolution-directed approach for designing archaeal formyltetrahydrofolate ligase
Investigation of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappaB ligand and osteoprotegerin levels in multiple sclerosis patients
Correlation of serum coenzyme Q10 and bilirubin levels of jaundiced newborns in intermediate risk zone: Is it an etiopathogenic factor in neonatal jaundice?
Merinos ve Ile de France x Akkaraman sütlerinde iz element düzeyleri ve laktasyondaki değişimleri
Can urinary gamma glutamyl transferase be used as a bone resorption marker in postmenopausal osteoporosis?
The effects of acute and chronic hyperglycemia on serum paraoxonase activity
Effects of storage conditions on complete blood cell count parameters
Clinical applicability of FANCD2 mono-ubiquitination test for Fanconi Anemia diagnosis and a suggestion for an algorithm
Tehlikeli maddeler içeren kazaların zararlarından korunmak üzerine
Serum adiponectin and vaspin levels in systemic sclerosis
Muscarinic receptor mediated cAMP response in human K562 chronic myelogenous leukemia cells
Tıbbi biyokimya uzmanları ile biyokimya uzmanlık eğitimi hakkında yapılan anket çalışması
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity and MAO-derived hydroxyl radical production in mouse model of hepatic ischemia-reperfusion Injury
Investigation of mitochondrial DNA of some West Anatolian Gammarus species (Crustacea: Amphipoda) by PCR-RAPD techniques
Nutritional value of some wild edible mushrooms from Black Sea Region (Turkey)
Bioconjugation of hepatitis B antigenic peptide with polymeric carriers through various carbodiimide chemistry
Radio-stimulation of phytohormons and bioactive components of coriander seedlings
Hepatoprotective effect of Cajanus cajan on tissue defense system in D-galactosamine-induced hepatitis in rats
α-Tokoferol ve askorbik asitin HDL’nin antioksidan özelliği üzerine in vitro etkileri
İsoproterenol ile miyokart infarktüsü oluşturulmuş sıçanlarda L-lizinin serum sialik asit düzeylerine etkisi
Role of the PON polymorphisms on progression of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis
A Glance at the methods for detection of apoptosis qualitatively and quantitatively
Kan gazı analiz cihazı ve direkt enzimatik ölçüm metodu ile elde edilen bikarbonat değerlerinin korelasyonu
HIV aşısı
Mekanik ventilasyona bağlı olarak gelişen diafragma disfonksiyonunda serum ve doku düzeyindeki oksidatif strese teofilinin etkisi
Investigation of the effects of stobadine on the antioxidant enzymes in carbon tetra chloride mediated brain toxicity
Inhibitory effect of Calamintha nepeta subsp. glandulosa essential oil on lipoxygenase
In vitro culturing and assessment of somaclonal variation of Solanum tuberosum var. desiree
Kininogen 1 gene polymorphisms are not associated with intracerebral hemorrhage in a Chinese Han population
The Relationship Between Blood Antioxidant Enzyme Levels and Genotype During Migraine Attack and Initial Periods in Migraine Patients
Investigation of nitric oxide-ADMA pathway of liver and kidney in endotoxemia
FTIR and SEM analysis of thermo-chemical fractionated sugarcane bagasse
Streptozotosin ile diyabet oluşturulmuş sıçanlarda aminoguanidinin serum paraoksonaz aktivitesi üzerine etkisi
Synthesis and Properties of Biopolymer Based on Gelatin-G-Poly(Sodium Acrylate-Co-Acrylamide) for Cephalexin Controlled Release
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Thymus vulgaris from Yemen
Expression of ASC in post-mortem brain samples of Alzheimer’s disease patients: A possible role for ASC in Aβ amyloid formation
“Gerçek” Kreatinin Ölçümü İçin Geliştirilen Kreatinin Ölçüm Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması
Klinik biyokimya laboratuvarında ölçüm belirsizliği: pratik uygulama
Ras Protein Ailesi: Hücresel İşlevi, Moleküler Kontrolü, Onkogenezdeki Rolü
Klinik laboratuvar test sonuçlarının uluslararası ve ulusal harmonizasyonu, standardizasyonu ve HbA1c örneği
Nutritional value of some wild edible mushrooms from the Black Sea region (Turkey)
Hakem/Yazar Dizini